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Blue Oval Podcast: Can Anyone Stop Valby & Ramsden? Plus, Crazy Men’s 1500m Prelim Heats

Blue Oval Podcast

Podcast production via Wyatt Barnsley


The NCAA Outdoor Championships are finally here and that means that the podcast is back with a fully-loaded preview! This week, Ben and Garrett analyze the fields for each distance event by giving their national title favorites, All-American sleeper picks and the athletes who they believe are the biggest wildcards. Be sure to listen, subscribe and review!


(2:21) Women’s 800m Favorites

(4:26) Women’s 800m Sleepers & Wildcards

(9:47) Men’s 800m Favorites

(11:47) Men’s 800m Sleepers

(14:20) Men’s 800m Wildcards

(16:29) Women’s 1500m Favorite & Top Contenders

(20:13) Women’s 1500m Sleepers

(21:57) Women’s 1500m Wildcards

(23:57) Men’s 1500m Favorites

(28:30) Men’s 1500m Sleepers & Wildcards

(32:38) Women’s 5k Favorite & Top Contenders

(34:15) Women’s 5k Sleepers & Wildcards

(38:02) Men’s 5k Favorite & Top Contenders

(40:26) Men’s 5k Sleepers

(43:50) Women’s 10k Favorite & Top Contenders

(45:10) Women’s 10k Sleepers

(46:19) Women’s 10k Wildcards

(49:00) Men’s 10k Favorite & Top Contenders

(53:26) Men’s 10k Wildcards

(55:13) Women’s Steeplechase Favorites

(57:35) Women’s Steeplechase Sleepers & Wildcards

(1:00:44) Men’s Steeplechase Favorites

(1:02:14) Men’s Steeplechase Sleepers

(1:04:03) Men’s Steeplechase Wildcards


You can listen to that episode (and others) on our PODCASTS page! You can also find the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Soundcloud. If you like it, be sure to leave us a rating and a review! Note: If you're having issues loading the episode on the site via mobile, try refreshing the episode page. We will look into this issue for future episodes.

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