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Blue Oval Podcast: Maia Ramsden, Michaela Rose & Doris Lemngole Throw Down Elite All-Time Marks

Blue Oval Podcast

Podcast production via Wyatt Barnsley


Ben and Garrett reunite to go through some wild distance results including Maia Ramsden's 4:24 mile, Michaela Rose’s 1:59 (800) and Doris Lemngole’s 15:04 (5k). The guys also discuss the national title pictures for the women's mile and the men's 3k which were followed by some quick-fire performance responses to end the show…and more! Be sure to listen, subscribe and review!




Maia Ramsden Runs 4:24 Mile (2:52)

Women’s Mile National Title Contenders (5:55)

Flomena Asekol’s 4:26 Mile (7:33)

Chloe Foerster Runs 4:28 Mile (10:25)

Men’s 3k (15:25)

Michaela Rose Runs 1:59 For 800m (27:31)

Taylor Roe Runs 15:12 For 5k (29:33)

Doris Lemngole Runs 15:04 For 5k (31:55)

Women’s 3k (33:30)

Men’s 800m (36:21)

Peter Maru Runs 13:17 For 5k (38:25)

Quick Fire Responses to Men's Performances (40:19)

Quick Fire Responses to Women's Performances (43:19)


You can listen to that episode (and others) on our PODCASTS page! You can also find the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Soundcloud. If you like it, be sure to leave us a rating and a review! Note: If you're having issues loading the episode on the site via mobile, try refreshing the episode page. We will look into this issue for future episodes.

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