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Blue Oval Podcast: Parker Valby Wins The Bowerman & Our TSR Mailbag Returns!

Blue Oval Podcast

Welcome back to the Blue Oval Podcast! This week, Ben and Garrett sit down to chat about Parker Valby winning The Bowerman, ending the drought among distance runners. After that, we brought back our TSR mailbag! The guys comb through a wide variety of different topics ranging from NCAA drug testing, how often TSR analysts argue with each other and the still-unfolding international recruiting landscape. Go take a listen and be sure to rate, review and subscribe!


(2:41) Parker Valby Wins The Bowerman

(8:45) How Can We Make Pro XC More Popular?

(13:17) NCAA Drug Testing Frequency

(18:30) Women's 2025 DMR Predictions

(24:05) NCAA XC Programs On The Rise

(27:02) How Often Do TSR Analysts Argue With Each Other?

(31:15) Best Coaches Discussion

(39:33) International Recruiting Discussion


You can listen to that episode (and others) on our PODCASTS page! You can also find the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and YouTube. If you like it, be sure to leave us a rating and a review! Note: If you're having issues loading the episode on the site via mobile, try refreshing the episode page.

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