Wow. What a year it was. Before I even get into anything else, let me just say thank you to everyone who has been supporting TSR. The 2017-2018 academic year was the first full year of competition that The Stride Report has covered. The growth that we've seen throughout this past year has been incredible. For a small group of college students and post-grads, we're happy that you are enjoying what we put out.
We're still small, we're not perfect, and we still have a loooooong way to go. We still want to (eventually) cover both men and women, multiple levels of competition, and any event we can. Although that may take some time, I like to think that it is still a very real possibility.
If you're a marketer/advertiser looking to get involved with our site, be sure to send us an email. We want to avoid keeping our content behind a paywall and the best way to do that is to get sponsors involved (no matter how big or small).
If you're interested in getting involved with TSR, click the link here. Read the section marked as "APPLYING" at the bottom and send us an email! We're always looking to expand and produce more content.
Due to time constraints, we do not plan on having any new content this weekend. However, that's only because we are preparing for the release of our 2018 summer rankings as well as a brand new page.
Our 2018 Top 10 Recruit Rankings will begin this Monday! We'll be researching, analyzing, and comparing the top (distance) recruiting classes in the nation. You can look at our RANKINGS tab to view our Recruit Rankings from last year if you haven't already.

If you haven't already seen on our social media pages, our new DATA page will be coming soon. It may be tomorrow, it may be next week, it may be the following week. All we know is that it will be coming within the next 14 days. Stay tuned for more on that...
This is just the tip of the iceberg for all of the things that we want to discuss and plan to cover. We're hoping that we can continue to evolve and expand as a site over time.
Tell a friend about us if you haven't already! Follow us on Twitter or like us on Facebook. The more exposure we get, the greater the chance we'll be able to get in touch with a sponsor. If that happens, expansion and innovation are almost guaranteed.
Get your popcorn ready, we're just getting started.
Many thanks,
The Stride Report crew